Frequently Asked Questions
What happens if a Garment is damaged as a result of cleaning?
There are a few scenarios:
1. GreenClean did not follow the recommended cleaning instructions from the manufacturer - our fault and we will pay for the garment.
2. A newer garment fell apart or damage became apparent after processing because of weakness or fault in the fabric not apparent before cleaning - the manufactures fault as it did not survive recommended cleaning methods, Insurance company will pay and can seek reimbursement from manufacturer but insured should receive pay out.
3. An aged garment fell apart or damage became apparent after processing because of weakness or fault in the fabric not apparent before cleaning - No ones fault as the garment has reached its full life expectancy, Insurance company should pay out minimal cost as there was no value to the garment.
4. A garment or item with no care label or cleaning instructions has been damaged as a result of the cleaning process. GreenClean's fault, however as the garment without cleaning is considered damage and we would normally take a “clean at owners risk signature” before processing, GreenClean can not take responsibility as we took the risk on behalf of the insurance company to try to avoid a definite payout.
What happens if an insured does not accept garments that are deemed salvaged by GreenClean?
GreenClean will assess Garments to see if legitimate reasons are acknowledged. If so, any charges that applied to cleaning those garments will be discounted. If not, the adjuster will be notified and a solution will be discussed.
Are items not considered non-salvaged charged for?
No, If we can not salvage an item, no cleaning charges will apply. However a small disposal fee may apply if warranted.
Is processing always necessary?
No, a GreenClean Technician may recommend either strictly odour treatments, listing & packaging for storage, steaming and airing out only or any single or combination of methods for restoration treatment that may save costs. These situations are quoted independently from the price list and must be approved.
What happens if GreenClean has started processing right away and now the insured or adjuster says to stop everything for any reason?
If no authorization was signed, GreenClean will absorb any cleaning costs. If an authorization was signed we will discuss with the adjuster a solution depending on circumstance.
What happens if an insured is allergic to certain detergents?
GreenClean asks at the time of authorization if an insured is has any known allergies to specific laundry detergents or dry cleaning solvents. We do our best to accommodate this during the cleaning process. If the situation arises after delivery, then it is possible to re-clean garments with other detergents at the discretion of the adjuster as it will be subject to additional costs.
An insured is missing a garment or item, who's responsible?
In the rare instance that GreenClean has misplaced a garment, it is known to us right away, as garments are tracked with tracking tags. This is a human error in that a specific tracking tag was placed with another package. Usually that package is of the same customer as we usually handle one order at a time through processing. If it can not be traced we will pay for the garment. In some instances a missing garment is either on the damaged list, was never picked up by GreenClean at the point of retrieval or is not really missing but in a package that was delivered and not located yet.